Mini #WIAW and Hip Update

Passover started on Monday night, which means I won’t be eating bread for the next week.  This morning I woke up excited to make eggs with a side of buttered matzah (pretty sure I actually dreamed about it).  Then I realized those were all the ingredients to make fried matzah, or matzah brei as it is sometimes called.  SO I got to work and within ten minutes I was a very happy camper.

Fried matzah

Fried matzah topped with cinnamon sugar and syrup

My roommate came down while I was eating and asked to try some.  She liked it, which I was actually surprised about, and said it tasted like French toast!  Except I know it doesn’t taste like French toast because I made some of that for Matt and me on Monday morning. 😛

The comparison was still fresh in my memory

The comparison was still fresh in my memory

I mentioned the other day that my right hip has been bothering me.  Yesterday I had pain and was limping slightly to avoid it hurting when I walked, but this morning as I walked to class, it felt much better!  Not better in that I can run, but better in that it hurts less.  It feels like something is pulling on the outside of my hip, but the pulling hurts far less or not at all.  I’m feeling optimistic. 🙂

On Monday afternoon I used an elliptical and then finished off with some pushups and light hip strengthening.  Then Tuesday morning I did the elliptical again with a couple friends and did abs and pull-up things (negatives and lat pull-downs).  This morning, my abs, back, arms, and lower legs are sore, which makes me feel like I am still getting more fit even though I haven’t ran in a few days.  I’m sure I could use some good cross-training and maybe once my hip is better, I will try to be better about including it in my regular training.  I probably definitely should, yeah?  Lately, instead of cross-training on non-run days, I have just been not running.

I hope you are having or had a fabulous hump day!  Eaten anything exciting lately?  Do you have any cross-training advice or awesome workouts?

Pretending to run on Monday

Pretending to run on Monday

3 thoughts on “Mini #WIAW and Hip Update

  1. Bummer about the hip! I left you a long comment about mine on my blog, but if it is a hipflexor strain, I have had that too. For that I used heat and ibuprofen several times a day, with gentle massage (after 48hrs passed from the strain incident/run). And I rode a stationary bike after a week also…
    About the matzoh- it looks YUMMY!!
    I hope you have a great Easter 🙂


    • Thanks!! I keep reading about all these different things it could be, but I’m very reluctant to go to the doctor, so I’m hoping a routine of stretching, foam rolling, strengthening, and cross-training will help it get better.


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